Electric Power Delivery
Crux’s electric power experience is substantial and diverse, ranging from foundation design and construction, to studies, analysis, field monitoring and data collection. It encompasses substation, transmission, and distribution assets, and has allowed us to develop expertise in a broad range of equipment, materials, engineering, geology, GIS/project tracking and construction services.
Our team offers full foundation engineering and construction services for all types of electrical infrastructure. Our specialized equipment is designed to access the most challenging and sensitive environments, and our patented installation techniques enable us to quickly and efficiently optimize foundation designs during construction. We have developed an exceptional understanding of diverse subsurface conditions, as well as the geo-structural implications of constructing in and around them, enabling us to provide efficient, constructible solutions.
Underground Utilities
Our team has been involved in various undergrounding efforts, overseeing all aspects of preparation, installation, and restoration, including trench excavation, conduit install, substructure installation and roadway restoration. Experience extends to sites involving a substantial amount of hard rock, sites located near and under active major roadways, and sites impacted by a variety of environmental and cultural protections.