Covering the Spread
Designing for Lateral Spread in Deep, Liquefiable Soils By Dylan B. Welsh, Longfellow Drilling, and J.T. McGinnis, Quanta Subsurface Accommodating seismic impacts in foundation design is nothing out of the ordinary. But when [...]
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Answering the Call
Crux Subsurface Inc. rebuilt foundations for the historic Bonneville-Hood River Transmission Line through [...]
Changing the Game with Effective Quality Management
How Processes and Accountability Translate to Performance Published By: Foundation Drilling Magazine [...]
Women in Construction
Strength in Diversity By Sydney McNeal, Crux Subsurface As an increasing [...]
BPA Transmission Line Rebuild
Design and In-Construction Geologic Characterization of Micropiles to Support a Historic Transmission Line [...]
Covering the Spread
Designing for Lateral Spread in Deep, Liquefiable Soils By Dylan B. Welsh, [...]
One Seam at a Time
Interactive Quality Assurance to Identify Coal Seams During Foundation Construction Abstract [...]
Well Founded
Integration of Geotechnical Investigation, Foundation Design, and Construction Fort McMurray West (WFMAC), [...]
Going the Distance
Longfellow Drilling Completes Challenging Drilled Pier Construction for Wyoming Transmission Line By [...]
The Foundation for Design Success
By Steve Davidow, Brock Wallis, Ryan Cisko ComEd’s collaborative value engineering approach [...]
Why do some articles only reference Quanta Subsurface?
Quanta Subsurface integrated with Crux in 2022. Combining geo-structural engineering and construction, Crux is now able to provide innovative equipment and techniques to provide services on some of the industry’s most challenging projects.
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